
Web Application


It is an online material ordering tools. This Internal Logistic online shopping platform simplifies the ordering process which was earlier done on paper base. Its internal portal which is used by end user, admin and logistics people


  • Digitization of the ordering process to save time
  • To track the process right from order until the material is delivered
  • Maintaining lists of ordered materials and increase easy tracking of records


  • SBS UX Team propose innovative and intuitive solution which User friendly and easy of use.
  • Main Challenge is that reducing the number of clicks, giving the right navigation and Consistency in the portal.
  • Reduce time to complete the task.
  • Make user to adopt the portal.

    Acknowledge UX standards that can be use consistency across portal which will help to user to complete their task in minimal time and clicks and its motive to adopt the user.

    To understand the business needs, we conducted stakeholder meetings. SBS UX performed Competitive Analysis, Focus Groups, Contextual Enquiry, and Brainstorming Sessions to understand Information Architecture of the system, usage patterns and behaviours of the user and how it can be aligned with the Marketing and Branding goals. We have used Paper Prototypes to speed the process and quickly come up with solutions.

    Method and Tools – Requirement Gathering, Focus Group, Contextual Inquiry, Brainstorming Session, Paper Prototyping for quick iterations, wireframe, interaction, visual designing and Development.


  • Jens Singer works as a staff member at Merck. He orders materials offline through logistics team. He has to wait a lot of time for the materials to get delivered. As there is no tracking available, he faces difficulties in planning his works which eventually delays work to get done on time. He usually use this ordering the material frequently which he facing the problem.
  • “He wants for easy ordering process to save time and also track the materials to maximize his efficiency with proper planning”
  • Needs

  • Digitalize the system
  • Easy ordering
  • Fast delivery
  • Tracking order
  • Pain Points

  • Delays in work as dependency
  • Long waiting time and details of deliverable Item
  • Not able to estimate delivery time

    Information architecture (IA) focuses on organizing, structuring, and labelling content in an effective way. It helps users to find information and complete tasks.



    Optimized Tasks – Optimization of navigation, modified controls for ease of adding to the cart, and reduced the number of steps, Proper navigation this helped shorten the user tasks flow resulting into faster completion of the task.

  • The advantage over the existing/current process are like replacing manual process by using "MEILS" Web Application with a great visual user experience.
  • Users can prioritize orders and process them on time.
  • Adhere to the Merck compliance


    Process for development - Changed the step/process of the development its saved time and effort of the development and reduce the redesigning efforts.

    Understand – Navigation flow and presentation brought clear picture in terms of requirement and output.